Software -> RuMSX, Turbo-R emulator (FreeWare)

RuMSX logo (by Marc Donkers)
RuMSX was one of the first MSX emulations for the 32bit Windows platform. The main-problem is that no one of the existing emulators is really complete. To finish such a project with success it is necessary, that this emulator is FreeWare.
In meantime many other Windows based emulations have been arrived. Regardless the development of RuMSX continues and I attempt to complete it's set of its implented features as well as introduce new ideas for other developers...

Laydock Last Attack 2 (MSX 2+)
The current version of RuMSX can be found on my download-page (see below).

Minimum requirement:

Contents & support

RuMSX is a multilingual emulation of MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and MSX Turbo-R homecomputers.
The help files contain comprehensive documentation of MSX-Basic and MSX-BIOS as well as many original manuals. They also contain detailed help for RuMSX itself. Help is available in english language only.

Tip: the RuMSX installation directory contains a MSXW.exe file. This is a unicode build, which can be executed on Windows 2000 and later (but not on Windows 9X/ME). This build supports all world-wide used characters, but the savestate-files are not compatible with the standard MSX.exe. The advantage is that e.g. european machines can display japanese and arabic user-interfaces with correct characters.

Changes from RuMSX V0.83 to V0.84

Please note: RuMSX v0.41 has a new installer! Therefore it is required to uninstall a version prior RuMSX v0.41 before installing the new version.
You can uninstall RuMSX through the Control-Panel. Select "Software" and "RuMSX" to uninstall.

Changes from RuMSX V0.82 to V0.83

Changes from RuMSX V0.81 to V0.82

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The correct functionality of the software being spread on this website is not guaranteed by MSX Association nor Microsoft. Both parties do not accept any responsibility concerning the results of using this software. Please use this software at your own risk.

Development notes

On this place I want to thank the authors of really "free" code and/or their useful support! For information about these peoples refer to the about-box of the current RuMSX release.
(in this list you can select a member and click "Details..." for more informations, as homepage and e-mail adress...)

Source-code & translations

Because of several reasons I'm not able to publish the full source at this time. If you still want to have a look on partial sources of RuMSX you can download the limited release for RuMSX V0.84 here!
If you want to add support for other languages (translations) please contact me first! Templates and basic guidelines are provided for reference only.

See also